Monday, June 15, 2020

The Role of Staffing in Organizations Research Assignment - 1650 Words

The Role of Staffing in Organizations Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: The Role of Staffing in OrganizationsStudents NameInstitutional AffiliationAbstractHuman resources are the most important resources in a particular organization. This is because they are considered to be the core intelligent and workforce factors in companies even those that have adopted the high-level technology. It is therefore important that an organization recruits highly qualified staff and also take time to train them and also develop their skills. If this is not so, the skills learned in schools are not enough to run the daily roles that are assigned to them hence productivity decreases. The paper will look at the most important roles of the human resource function in an organization including recruitment, human resource, training and development, planning, selection, succession plans and also motivation using a research tool. The paper will also look at how effective the research tool is in current developments in staffing. It will also evaluate the validity a nd authoritativeness of the tool in the particular field of study.IntroductionUsing the research tool, by Chesah Gilbert Maih, is a thesis for the fulfillment of the degree program in Business Management. (Maih, 2015). The study is used to assess and investigate the role of staffing in microfinance organizations in North West region Cameroon. It takes place at Awing Central Cooperative Credit Union Limited Bamenda. (Maih, 2015). The paper analyses the importance of staffing in the microfinance organizations.Background to the studyDue to the increase in microfinance organization in the region, it is important to assess the ways in which the microfinance can improve their operations and also the productivity of their workforce for the sole purpose of fulfilling their objectives and gaining a larger market share as compared to international bodies, donors, and policymakers. Organizational performance is the key factor that influences the activities of a particular organization. It def ines what needs to be done in that particular field of objectives so that the perceived targets can be achieved. (Maih, 2015).The human resource function of every organization is important as it ensures that there is a sufficient and efficient workforce in the organization. It starts with human resource planning (HRP). The first step is to plan. The company should identify and understand the goals both long-term and short-term. It also involves assessment of the current human resource situation. This includes an evaluation of the existing employees and also the roles and responsibilities which have been left blank and generate a report of the human resource inventory. This will help the organization know the number of employees that the company needs. (Mayhew, 2018).The organization then creates an application pool where candidate apply and then they are chosen through the recruitment process. The acquisition process involves analyzing candidates who would be offered jobs in the com pany. The company then engages the selected candidates through an orientation where the important aspects of the organization are discussed to help them understand the nature of the organization. They then undergo development which involves training where the new employees abilities are engaged and they gain more skills that help them perform their jobs. (Shma, 2013).After training, the employees are ready to undergo deployment where they are taken to the specific departments where they are supposed to work and gain experience. Here, they are able to practice their skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking and also working effectively and efficiently. They are then given a chance to lead where they are given a team that they are supposed to work with, and after they prove their leadership skills, the company retains them. They are promoted in order for their career growth and that they can lead and manage the organization (Shma, 2013).The Purpose of the studyThe research was undertaken to scrutinize the purpose of staffing in microfinance organizations. The microfinance sector in Cameroon has grown tremendously thus there is increased competition in the sector. There is, therefore, the need to improve the processes, techniques and also resources on order for the AWICCUL to be in line with the objectives of the company.Statement of the problemThere is a problem that exists in the staffing processes of microfinance organizations. The technique of staffing that existed include the concur method. This is where the employees are chosen based on merit. The merit is determined through a test of questions that were learned in class. They are then guided to training. This is not a very proper model of training and developing successful employees. The study evaluated the role and importance of staffing to the organizational performance and in general to the competitive advantage of the organization.Objectives of the study 1 Finding out functions that staffing p lays in the performance of organizations. 2 To evaluate the tools that are used to accomplish high levels of organizational performances. 3 To find out whether it is possible to measure organizational performance 4 To investigate the barriers that challenge organizational performance. 5 To find out and discuss the techniques that can be used in achieving organizational performance.Research questions 1 What is the function of staffing in the performance achievements of organizations? 2 Which tools that are used to accomplish higher organizational performance in organizations? 3 Is it possible to measure organizational performance? 4 Which challenges inhibit organizational performance? 5 Which are the ways that can be used in achieving organizational performance?Research hypothesisThis study used a simple hypothesis to determine the relationship that exists between the role of staffing and the performance of the organization.The scope of the studyThe study took place at the Awing Cent ral Cooperative Credit which started in 1968. The cooperation offers capital accounts, accruals accounts, and also giving loans to the members. The study took place in the cooperative because it is a Microcredit organization which draws the influence to safeguards loans and savings of the members and also potential customers. The purpose of the cooperation s to make profits and increase the market share. (Maih, 2015). The researcher chooses this particular place of study having interned there and having observed that the personnel function of the organization is the most crucial aspect and asset of the particular company, which needs to be sorted in terms of staffing and also good and effective management. (Maih, 2015).MethodsPurpose of the use of the research toolThe research tools used were interviews and questionnaires. The researcher was specific in designing the questionnaires to ensure that the aim of the study was fulfilled. A pilot survey was also run to determine the value of the questionnaire in terms of collecting the required data for the study. The questionnaires used were close-ended to ensure that there were responses from the respondents. Interviews were also used to collect data in support of the collection of the selection and recruitment of the employees. This was important as it was easy to manage a panel discussion of the different people who are involved in the recruitment process of the whole organization.Description of research toolThe main research tools that were used for the tools included questionnaires and interviews. A questionnaire is a research instrument that has several questions that are used to assemble all the information that is needed from the sample population. This instrument was used because it is easy and inexpensive to administer to the respondents. They also have controlled answers which make it easy for the investigator.Sampling strategySampling involves choosing individuals to include in the research in whom the research techniques will be applied to. Particularly, it involves choosing individuals who will take part in the investigation. The researcher used a sampling strategy where the different respondents were identified using their gender, that is male and female, age groups that work in the organization, educational level which determine the abilities of the employees and the post of responsibilities. The study used random sampling where during the gathering of data, each individual has a fair chance of being opted to participate in the study. It also used the simple random sampling which was unbiased to the five branches and had the results to be the most generalized. The advantage of this methods is that they give each individual of the targeted population that is the employees an opportunity to participate in the investigation. (Maih, 2015).Sampling frameThis includes all the individuals that are targeted by the study. It is a collection of parts or sections from which the investiga tor can choose a sample from the targeted employees. The sampling frame had 40 respondents from the five branches of the cooperation. Amongst the forty respondents, only 20 responses were considered for the research. The sampling frame was represented byGender Frequency Percentage of the total population Female 12 60 Male 8 40 Total 20 100 As identified through the gender, there were more female workers working with the cooperation than male workers hence there were more females that accounted for the sampling strategy. The cooperation also had a large number of youth employees most of the respondents were between 20 years and 50 years which shows that the workforce had a high population of the young people who have clear goals and capabilities of increa...

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